Making cakes and eating them, too

Posted by on Aug 2, 2014 in What I Think

Making cakes and eating them, too

IMG_1681After my position was eliminated last year, I decided to take advantage of the extra time on my hands by tackling something on my bucket list: cake decorating.

My mom was always a culinary genius when it came to baked goods, and my baby sister can whip up some extraordinary scrabbled eggs and tilapia dishes.

For years I’d wanted to take some classes and learn a few decorating techniques to add to my inherited baking skills. And with Michael’s craft stores offering classes half off, I really had no reason not to.

For 12 weeks I had a blast learning about making different types of icing, how to use them to create patterns, petals and more, and even got some work with fondant and gum paste.

What’s been really neat, though, is how I’ve been able to continue learning and practicing — and even making some spare change — through making cakes for friends and family.

Check out some of my sweet creations!